Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 39 – Hit The Beach

Slap on that sunscreen kids and grab a shovel! Shawn and Simon are hunting the sandy shores for mussels, oysters, clams, crabs, seaweed and a million other varieties of sea life, all delicious and all free! 

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:




Miso Roasted Oysters:

The Coastal Forager’s Cookbook by Chef Robin Kort:

Fishing BC App:

Khurangbin album A La Sala:

Picture of Sea Asparagus via :

Beach Peas!

I haven’t posted as regularly as I usually do this summer and for that I deeply apologize to the handful of crazed kitchen folk and family members that subscribe to EDB. *laughs* We are still here, banging out recipes and philosophizing on life the universe and everything… It’s just been a rough couple ‘o months. Operation Best Summer Ever seems like a lifetime ago.

Unlike that long lost adventure on Quadra THIS summer has been about work and more work. No hiking. No biking. Zero gardening. Camping? Forget it. No sun and no fun… Just work.

But scattered amongst the endless grey weeks of life on the line sprout little moments of zen that keep me sane. Like the peas I found growing along the beach next to my post-work meditation spot. Read More

Eight More BC Summer Beers

More BC Summer BeersIt’s been a scorcher this summer.

Not that I’m complaining… I like getting to work with dry socks and I love spending my weekends in the great outdoors!

It’s been a big change to have two days off with my wife! *laughs* Go ahead and insert your off-colour marriage joke here… But really, Crystal and I have been mountain biking, hiking, taking the dog to the beach and adventuring to new restaurants, farmer’s markets and junk shops. In short, we’ve enjoyed ourselves a lot.

Consequently, I haven’t spent as much time on the blog as I suppose I should… Sorry y’all.

During all these shenanigans I’ve discovered a handful of new, local beers that have accompanied and enhanced said shenanigans in all the right ways.

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Walking On The Beaches, Part 1 – Watercress

Watercress1 smallEverything is grey.

There is water out there somewhere, but no reflection from the sun. No visible horizon, just a solid, foggy expanse. Like some sort of Homeric underworld. A granite curtain, empty and undefined.

It’s bloody cold.

We are at the beach in late November, on yet another hunt for local foragables. It’s chilly enough to warrant the traditional full coat and toque combo that all Canadians (even those of us smart enough to have migrated West) have kicking about in the back of the closet. I can see my breath hissing in the ashen stillness. But, I don’t feel any chill, in fact I’m excited! Down the beach I can see it, vibrant against the grey stones… It’s green, like the Emerald city.

We’re off to see the wizard! Read More