Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 36 – And Finally, Sourdough

Professor Simon drags Shawn deep into the world of Sourdough starters and how to make the perfect loaf of bread out of a jar of beige slime. 

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Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

  • I would argue that when it comes to bread, half (at most) of the final result comes from the recipe.  Far more important is handling and process. You Still Need a Recipe… Probably
    • 400g Flour
    • 400g Starter
    • 200g Water
    • 10g Salt
    • Knead until smooth, place in a banneton or bowl and cover with a clean cloth. Allow to rise for a lot longer than you probably think is necessary. I’ll often do overnight. Fresh bread in the morning!
    • Preheat the oven to 450. I recommend having either a baking stone or a dutch oven. GENTLY turn out the loaf. It’s basically a balloon at this point and we don’t want any of the delicious air to escape. 
    • Okay I lied, we want SOME of the air to escape. Slash the top all fancy. You can use a lame or sharp knife.
    • BAKE! The amount of time is dependant on the equipment currently in your oven.
    • Once done allow to rest for half an hour
  • Only Lovers Left Alive:
  • The Menu:
  • Delicious in Dungeon: