Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 09 – Garlic

An ode to our favourite aromatic! In this episode Simon and Shawn dive deep into the pungent world of garlic with recipes, stories, quotes, tips, afros and tricks for healthy skin, meatball bouncing contests and even some amateur effects work.

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Additional Music by Dee-Yan Kee via the Free Music Archive

Show notes and Shout Outs:

Glorious Gartsin Garlic by Shawn Galway for Edible vancouver Island Magazine:

Alexis Soyer’s Shilling Cookery for the People:

Spruce Tips:

Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential:

David Rocco’s Dolce Vita:

Garlic Is As Good As Ten Mothers Documentary by Les Blank NOT Baz Luhrmann (1980):

Merville Garlic Festival:

40 Cloves and a Chicken by Alton Brown:

Xo Soused Podcast:

The God Of Cookery (1996):