I always joked that our kind danced on the razor’s edge of insolvency, what with our low pay, long hours, high burn out rate, poor life expectancy for chef-owned businesses and semi-transient mercenary workforce. Chef’s and their kitchens have always been at the mercy of a lot of financial factors, any of which could sink any restaurant pretty handily no matter how well-managed.
Now that precautionary measures
relating to the fast-moving and deadly covid-19 virus has effectively
shut down all restaurant traffic in North America we as a society are
witnessing just how fragile our hospitality industry is. In a single
week hundreds of thousands of my brothers and sisters have been put
out of work as states and provinces outlaw sit-down service in favour
of take-out just to keep people indoors and away from one another.
It’s some serious end of the world stuff and as you can probably
imagine I don’t make those razor’s edge jokes like I used to.
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