Long Time, No See

long-time-no-seeIt’s been a hell of a summer.

Crystal, Jen, Sean and me went on a whirlwind tour of the mainland’s most vaulted and exciting mountain biking destinations; shredding mountains, sailing across undulating oceans of terrain and man-made wooden structures like the badasses we want to be and coming in to land at various breweries and eateries all over BC. It was glorious!

Then, while we were in the most remote local possible I get a text from my brother (not a guy prone to reaching out under any circumstances) and his wife (who is much better at the social networking thing *laughs*) who let us know that while we’ve been tearing up the terroir, our Grandfather had died.

Up and down, like I said… It’s been a hell of a summer.

My brother Andrew and Sister Julie, like the Viking hero couple they are held down the fort and simultaneously helped organize (with the guiding light of both my amazing aunts) both the finer points of what occurs after a great man passes and the family-wide communications that must happen while my Dad and Mom where both out having a similar holiday to ours.

Our family rocks.

mark-and-crystalI’ve seen a lot of them recently: My cousin Mark hit the island a couple months ago and spent a couple days biking around our little burg with Crystal and me, drinking in the environment like the man I was a decade ago, thirsty for wild horizons and new experiences. I think he might stay.

My aunts Jan and Fanny visited us only a few weeks ago for a romp through Victoria where we caught up on a lot of things. Mostly Grandpa Joe’s funeral, it’s aftermath and his legacy in general, but also a lot of wonderful, personal stuff that I now, weeks later think about a lot.

familyCrystal, Lisa, Chiara and myself continue to live the good life out here. Like I said… My family rocks, both back in Ontario and here in BC.

So yeah, it’s been a while since I posted anything and I apologize for that, but life (and not let’s not forget work) has reared up and gnarled me in it’s kraken-like embrace and kept me from updating as regularly as I suppose I should.

But fear not true believers! We’ve accumulated a lot of post-worthy ideas, experiences, recipes and Westcoast-centric material over the ensuing summer that we will endeavour to deliver to all our family, friends and various near-do-wells in good order… I mean, we’ve got peaches, and chicken and beer and… And a goodbye to Grandpa Joe that gets pretty deep and… Well… You’ll see.

And I promise I’ll stop repeating myself so much.




6 thoughts on “Long Time, No See

    1. Shawn – loved this. The music really touched me, as did your comments.
      Missing Grandpa Joe a lot this morning….
      It was so great seeing you and Crystal, especially at this time when it’s good to be with family.
      lots of love,
      Aunt Jan

      1. Big love to all my Eastern family!
        I’ll be seeing everyone in the new year and hopefully I’ll have finished my proper goodbye to Buster.

        1. Hi Shawn and Crystal:
          Just finished reading a novel called A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. Have you heard of it? There is a part where the characters go to a sushi restaurant in Campbell River, and I’m thinking there can’t be more than one. Was wondering if it’s your previous spot.

          When are you coming east?
          Aunt Jan

          1. Wow! I’ve been researching this from the moment I got your message and I can’t figure out if Arigato Sushi was an actual place or based on one of our two (at that time) sushi restaurants.
            I’m going to have a long talk with Hiro about this! *laughs*
            I’ll be back East for Easter and hope to see everyone soon!
            Big love.

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