Pumpkin and Potato Samosas

samosa-1Samosas are beautiful little flour dough dumplings that originated in medieval Persia and spread throughout the Middle East into India and Southeast Asian. The Indian version is by far the most famous, often stuffed with a vegetarian-friendly mixture of potatoes, chilies and peas but there’s a gang of regional variations including beef, mutton, nuts, sweet pastes and whatever else you got. Read More

Spiced Pumpkin Seed Caramel Popcorn

Halloween’s over and I’m a little surprised by how much candy is left. Despite giving away handfuls of little nightmarishly-coloured sugar thingies, we still have a great big plastic cauldron-full sitting on the kitchen table… Not good. Every time I walk into the kitchen it’s squatting there, watching me, proffering it’s sticky fructose-laden goodies. Sure they taste good, but I’m not sure I can afford all the sleepless nights that follow. Read More

Happy Halloween!

I’m not sure if the photo makes it clear, but the image I carved lovingly into this pumpkin may just be eat|drink|breathe.com’s new logo!

Light the bonfires and bring on the hordes of polite, yet bloodthirsty children! Candy for everyone! Happy Samhain!