Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 18 – Soop!

Nothing satifies and nurishes us during the dark and bliseringly cold months like a big ‘o bowl of soup! Simon and Shawn dive deep into the pot of memory and dredge up some stories and killer recipes plus literature/music picks and a special guest. 

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade:

Cajun Jambalaya with Isaac Toupes:

Chestnut Soup with Crispy Pancetta:

Mammal Hands:

Soup By Barbara Kafka:

Chasing the Gator Isaac Toups:

Stay warm out there kids!

Chestnut Soup with Crispy Pancetta

Many years ago on a whim I purchased a rather strange cookbook by Lois Anne Rothert dedicated entirely to the various soups of rural France. Normally I don’t pitch in for something so bizarrely specialized but something about this tome’s yeomen charm captured my imagination and it’s survived many cookbook purges over the years when shelf space became scarce.

Now, three months deep into my still-UN-identified illness this book has more than earned it’s keep with such soul-satisfying and sanity-soothing soups as Country Sorrel and Potato, Oyster and Cognac stew, Lentil Potage and this deeply savoury winter soup of pureed chestnuts, aromatics and crispy pancetta. Read More