2014 Holiday Guide : Ten Gifts For Pro Cooks and Chefs

2014 Holiday Guide - Pro CooksHoliday shopping sucks.

It should be fun and joyful, but most of it is a florescent-lit hell of shopping cart lines, tinny Sinatra music and a dull nagging doubt that you (yes you) could have done better… Could have found that perfect gift for the one you love! Instead every year is a bit of a compromise, a sell out. And every year another promise to get it right… Next year.

No longer! “Next year” is this year, and your good buddy The Internet is here to save you from another long, soul destroying slog through Wal Mart. This year you can point and click your way to the perfect gift for everyone on your list, including your buddies in the culinary industry!

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Roasted Venison with Potato-Watercress Gratin

Venison1Thanks to a whirlwind foraging weekend with Toni I’ve got fresh watercress, I’ve got a venison roast and I’ve got a couple days of holiday dinners to cook my heart out.

Forget the turkey. That’s old news… A Christmas ham? That’s been done. This year I’m going new and different, seasonal and local. This is the kind of rustic, hearty meal that a pioneer family would have sizzling in the hearth on a cold winter’s night. Read More

Holiday Ham

Holiday HamLooking back at my formative years in Southeastern Ontario, I’ve realized how many of my memories of Christmas smell like cloves and taste like pig.  My mom’s Christmas ham was a beautiful beast. An un-apologetic 1950’s-syle mountain of honey-glazed pork covered in glowing orange slices shot through with cloves. The table would groan under the weight of the unwieldy thing, and our stomachs would groan with anticipation as it was carved. Read More

Cookbooks For Christmas!

Christmas is only a couple of weeks away and if you have someone in your life that is in the industry, or a home cook (or, like me, both!) you can count on them loving and appreciating a good cookbook in their stocking. But which cookbook should you invest in? Everyone’s writing cookbooks now! Bloggers, restaurateurs, stay-at-home moms with million-dollar cameras, they’ve all got their little slice of domestic life out there on the bookshelves. So what makes one better than the other? Read More