Best BC Summer Beers of 2016

2016 Summer Beer ListAnother summer has landed here on the West coast and it’s shaping up to be extremely busy for the EDB team. There’s work, seafood festivals, pop-ups, bike trips to various places on the island and mainland plus visits with friends, family and all manner of industry establishments all packed into the next two and a half months. Whew!

To offset all this madness it’s important to always set aside a few moments of calm here and there to unwind the mind and body… And crack open a craft beer! *Ksssssht*Yes! Once again it’s time to have a look back at my favourite BC brews of the spring and forward to the bombers I’ll be savouring all summer long.

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2016 Post-Holiday Beer List

Photo via Google Images
Photo via Google Images

It’s been a hell of a holiday season, or what the mighty Greg Proops recently referred to as “The frantic week of unbelievable mayhem”. And I along with my fellow hospitality brethren need a couple nights of actual sleep and a lot of beers to make up for all the Christmas mornings, New Years parties and warm fuzzy family moments that we’ve missed. *Phssssst* Here’s to 2015 and all of the surprising moments and spectacular meals that we have survived!

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